This is important as low self esteem levels have been shown to affect mood and make people more vulnerable to certain mental health problems. Rosenberg selfesteem scale rse below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Responses are made on likerttype scales from 0 indicating lowered selfesteem to 3indicating higher selfesteem, with higher scores indicating higher levels of selfesteem. The rosenberg selfesteem scale is a 10item selfreport measure of global selfesteem. A 10item scale that measures global selfworth by measuring both positive and negative. Rosenbergs selfesteem scale ses internal consistency cronbachs alpha range from. Psychologists and sociologists are common users for this instrument. The rosenberg self esteem scale is a 10item self report measure of global self esteem. The advantages of this scale over rosenbergs are in my opinion.
Rosenberg self esteem scale identifier date please read each of the following statements concerning your general feelings about yourself. The rosenberg selfesteem scale is the most utilized measure of global selfesteem. Global selfesteem is defined as the individuals positive or negative attitude toward the self as a totality rosenberg et al 141. Rosenberg self esteem scale socy l sociology department. Forty hispanic adult men and women participated in the study. The ses has also been administered as an interview. It uses a scale of 030 where a score less than 15 may indicate a problematic low self esteem. By introducing the email you agree to receive materials once in a while that help you save time and be more productive. The scale is a 10item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The development of a selfesteem scale for university students.
Carpenter and johnson 2001, knox 1998, and smith 1999 using the collective self esteem scale or the possible selves questionnaires, instead of a global self esteem scale, indicates that girls, indeed, do identify more strongly with a collective notion of self than do boys. Self esteem is ones own feeling of worthyness, and there are various scales measuring this see also the psytoolkit implementation of rosenbergs scale. The rosenberg selfesteem scale rosenberg, 1965 was used to measure selfesteem. These four scales account for 60 percent of the journal citations of selfesteem and selfconcept studies. I generally feel anxious in new social situations where i may not know what is expected of me. The rosenberg self esteem scale rosenberg, 1965 is 10item measure of global self worth that measures both positive and negative feelings about the self, using a 4point likert scale 0 strongly disagree, 3 strongly agree. Outcome measure rosenberg selfesteem scale rses sensitivity to change no population adult and paediatrics domain measures of self type of measure selfreport icfcodes b1 description the rosenberg self esteem scale rses. Rosenberg self esteem scale rosenberg, 1965 the scale is a ten item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself.
This is an free online version of the rosenberg self esteem scale. This study evaluated the factor structure of the rosenberg selfesteem scale rses with a diverse sample of 1,248 european american, latino, armenian, and iranian adolescents. However, since its development, the scale has been used with a variety of groups including adults, with. You can use the results of the scale to your awareness and to reflect on your current feelings. Further support for multidimensionality within the rosenberg selfesteem scale chris g. The rosenberg self esteem scale is perhaps the most widelyused self esteem measure in social science research. Rosenbergs self esteem scale has been translated into a lot of languages and is used in diverse populations. Jan 01, 20 the rosenberg self esteem scale is the most utilized measure of global self esteem. The rosenberg selfesteem scale rses, developed by the sociologist morris rosenberg, is a selfesteem measure widely used in socialscience research. We know that your experiences, how you evaluate those experiences, how you talk to yourself, how you treat yourself, and how you value yourself in almost every aspect of life are the ingredients of selfesteem. The rosenberg self esteem scale rosenberg, 1965 is 10item measure of global selfworth that measures both positive and negative feelings about the self, using a 4point likert scale 0 strongly disagree, 3 strongly agree.
There is an alternative scale in the survey library as well, namely the state self esteem scale. Rosenberg selfesteem scale read the statements and rate them on a scale of 0 to 3 according to your agreement to them. Rosenberg, 1965 is the most widely used measure of selfesteem for research purposes but it is not a. Morris rosenberg the purpose of the 10 item rse scale is to measure selfesteem. The rosenberg scale is 50 years old, yet still a very.
Rosenberg self esteem scale socy l sociology department l. Further support for multidimensionality within the rosenberg self esteem scale chris g. If you are worried that your self esteem may reflect poor mental health please consult your doctor. The rosenberg selfesteem scale is perhaps the most widelyused selfesteem measure in social science research. The scale is an attempt to achieve a onedimensional measure of global selfesteem. In addition, body image was measured using the 9figure body size scale and selfesteem was analyzed with the rosenberg selfesteem scale.
Where can i find the arabic version rosenberg selfesteem scale. Instructions for scoring sum up your scores for all ten items. Selfesteem is a subjective psychological construct. If you strongly agree with the statement, circle sa.
Background the rosenberg self esteem scale rss is the most widely used instrument to measure this trait. Please read each statement and record a number 0, 1, 2 or 3 which indicates how much the statement applied to you over the. It employs a four point likerttype format of response, from strongly. Norms and construct validity of the rosenberg selfesteem. The rosenberg selfesteem scale is considered by many to be the ultimate selfesteem scale.
The rosenberg self esteem scale there are a number of different assessment tools you can use to help assess your self esteem. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. Res exists in several languages english, french, and norwegian. In addition, body image was measured using the 9figure body size scale and self esteem was analyzed with the rosenberg self esteem scale. This scale is has clearer data on averages in the adult population, which are available in the paper of heatherton. This 10item scale assesses an individuals feelings of selfworth when the individual compares himself or herself to other people. Further support for multidimensionality within the rosenberg. Selfesteem was measured by the rosenberg selfesteem scale. In social psychology, self esteem is a term which refers to an individuals perception of his or her own worth. Background the rosenberg selfesteem scale rss is the most widely used instrument to measure this trait. Rosenberg, 1965 is the most widely used measure of selfesteem for research purposes but it is not a diagnostic aid for any psychological issues of states. Evaluation of the factor structure of the rosenberg self. The rses is designed similar to the socialsurvey questionnaires. Rosenberg selfesteem scale rosenberg, 1965 the scale is a ten item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
Originally the measure was designed to measure the selfesteem of high school students. The rosenberg test indicates the level of self esteem. The rosenberg selfesteem scale rses was adapted to the estonian language. One such example is the translation and validation of the rosenberg self esteem scale in spanish. Our online self esteem questionnaire is called the rosenberg self esteem scale and its commonly used by doctors, psychologists and therapists to help understand peoples levels of self esteem. The scale is a 10item likert scale with items answered on a four point scalefrom strongly agree to strongly disagree. Further support for multidimensionality within the.
This 10item scale assesses an individuals feelings of self worth when the individual compares himself or herself to other people. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model that best fit the data, both in the total sample and in the male and female subsamples. Morris rosenberg s 1965 selfesteem scale rses is perhaps the most widely used instrument for the assessment of trait selfesteem, defined as relatively stable feelings of overall selfworth. Validity this scale is the most widely used measure of self esteem for research purposes but it is not a diagnostic aid for any for any psychological issues of states. It measures personal worth, selfconfidence, selfsatisfaction, selfrespect, and selfdeprecation. The scale is an attempt to achieve a onedimensional measure of global self esteem. It consists of 10 statements related to overall feelings of self worth or self acceptance. This 10item scale takes only a minute or so to fill in. Rosenberg, 1965 provides a measure of global selfesteem, which has been defined as an individuals general sense of personal worth rosenberg, 1979. Rosenberg, 1965 is a 10item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly. It was designed to represent a continuum of selfworth, with statements that are endorsed by individuals with low. It consists of 10 statements related to overall feelings of selfworth or selfacceptance.
The rosenbergs selfesteem scale rse is a 10item unidimensional scale designed to measure the selfesteem of high school students. Items 1, 3, 4, 7, and 10 are positively worded, and items 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9 negatively. The rosenberg selfesteem scale rses is made up of 10 items that refer to selfrespect and selfacceptance rated on a 4point likerttype scale, ranging from 1 totally disagree to 4 totally agree. Examples of the measure include, i take a positive attitude. Self esteem tests self esteem scale test rosenberg. The rosenberg self esteem scale, a widely used self reportinstrument for evaluating individual self esteem, was investigatedusing item response theory. It was designed to represent a continuum of self worth, with statements that are endorsed by individuals with low. Factor analysis identified a singlecommon factor, contrary to some previous studies. Assessing internal reliability you will be using spss to calculate a measure of internal reliability called cronbachs cronbachs. Adolescents completed the 10item rses during school as part of a larger study on parental influences and academic outcomes. Below is a list of statements concerning your general feelings about yourself.
Differences among selfesteem in a nationally represen. Researchers will be able to search literature for established norms in areas of interest. The tenitem rosenberg selfesteem scale measures global selfesteem and remains the mostwidely used of all selfesteem measures. Notes for consideration various translations are available, again, search literature and contact article authors directly. The original sample for which the scale was developed consisted of 5,024 high school juniors and seniors from 10 randomly selected schools in new york state. Pdf psychometric properties of the rosenberg selfesteem. Does anyone have an arabic version of the rosenberg selfesteem scale youd be. Rosenberg selfesteem scale ses statistics solutions. The rosenberg selfesteem scale, a widely used selfreportinstrument for evaluating individual selfesteem, was investigatedusing item response theory.
The items are answered on a fourpoint scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The rosenberg selfesteem scale the rosenberg selfesteem scale assesses a persons global selfworth by measuring their positive and negative feelings towards themselves. The rosenberg selfesteem scale rses, developed by the sociologist morris rosenberg, is a. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 23, 443451. Although psychometric studies have generally supported the unidimensionality of this 10item scale, more recently, a stable, responsebias has been associated with the wording of the items marsh, scalas. An interactive version of rosenbergs selfesteem scale. The study consisted of the translation, adaption and analysis of the psychometric properties of the scale in a sample of university. Item 1 was removed from the scale prior to conducting irt analyses, due to redundancy with item 2. The importance of selfesteem in the prediction of other selfattitudes and behavior in.
I feel that i have a number of good qualities sa a d sd. Selfesteem is a profound and powerful human need, essential for the healthy evolution of the individual, more precise for an effective development and selfaccomplishment. The rosenberg selfesteem scale exploring your mind. The rosenberg selfesteem scale there are a number of different assessment tools you can use to help assess your selfesteem. Adhd patients 1217 years, treated in an openlabel study for 24 weeks. Self esteem is a profound and powerful human need, essential for the healthy evolution of the individual, more precise for an effective development and self accomplishment. The rosenberg self esteem scale is a widelyused test, involving a 10item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The rosenberg self esteem scale the rosenberg self esteem scale assesses a persons global self worth by measuring their positive and negative feelings towards themselves. Selfesteem in adolescent patients with attentiondeficit. Self esteem scale test rosenbergs self esteem scale test. Place a check mark next to the number of each statement that you find to be true.
Many psychological and sociological professionals would argue that the rosenberg selfesteem scale is the best tool for measuring selfesteem. In the vast majority of studies, factors associated with. The scale is a ten item likert scale with items answered on a four point scale from strongly agree to strongly. One of the most wellknown of these tools is the rosenberg self esteem developed by dr morris rosenberg, professor of sociology at the university of maryland from 1975 until his death in 1992. The rosenberg self esteem scale is a widely used self esteem measure with ten simple questions on a four point scale. Rosenberg was a professor of sociology at the university of maryland from 1975 until his death in 1992. Select the answer which most closely reflects how you feel. One of the most wellknown of these tools is the rosenberg selfesteem developed by dr morris rosenberg, professor of sociology at the university of maryland from 1975 until his death in 1992. Outcome measure rosenberg selfesteem scale rses sensitivity to change no population adult and paediatrics domain measures of self type of measure selfreport icfcodes b1 description the rosenberg selfesteem scale rses. The rosenberg selfesteem scale title on the factor structure of the rosenberg 1965 general selfesteem scale. In the 1960s, rosenberg developed a 10 item scale to measure it rosenberg, 1965.
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